Xerox | What’s real about your business?

B2B services brands are built on evidence of a core resource or capability, an “asset” you bring to the table that your competitors do not.

IBM, for example, is going to drive intelligence through all my processes and technologies (“smarter solutions for a smarter planet”) and I believe it because of IBM’s technology expertise.

Despite its current “Ready for Real Business” campaign and cool interactive website, I still wish Xerox would make more of its core capability.

Sure, all the important benefits are there — greater efficiency, productivity, etc. etc. But what is it about Xerox that makes them better able to provide these benefits than any one of the other big players?

The answer used to be expertise in documents/document management. That statement can still be found buried in the Xerox “About Us” and it now includes “business process management.” Xerox might well want to ask itself: If our core now goes beyond the management of information and information processes, what unique ability are we bringing to the table? Put another way, why should I believe that Xerox can help with my business processes better that any other BPO firm?

So, what’s the real business at the heart of your business?

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